Package com.arangodb

Interface ArangoVertexCollection

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@ThreadSafe public interface ArangoVertexCollection extends ArangoSerdeAccessor
Interface for operations on ArangoDB vertex collection level.
Mark Vollmary
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • graph

      ArangoGraph graph()
      The handler of the named graph the edge collection is within
      graph handler
    • name

      String name()
      The name of the edge collection
      collection name
    • drop

      @Deprecated void drop()
      use remove() instead
      Remove a vertex collection form the graph.
      See Also:
    • drop

      Remove a vertex collection form the graph.
      options - options
      See Also:
    • remove

      void remove()
      Remove a vertex collection form the graph.
      See Also:
    • remove

      void remove(VertexCollectionRemoveOptions options)
      Remove a vertex collection form the graph.
      options - options
      See Also:
    • insertVertex

      VertexEntity insertVertex(Object value)
      Creates a new vertex in the collection
      value - A representation of a single vertex (POJO or RawData)
      information about the vertex
      See Also:
    • insertVertex

      VertexEntity insertVertex(Object value, VertexCreateOptions options)
      Creates a new vertex in the collection
      value - A representation of a single vertex (POJO or RawData)
      options - Additional options, can be null
      information about the vertex
      See Also:
    • getVertex

      <T> T getVertex(String key, Class<T> type)
      Retrieves the vertex document with the given key from the collection.
      key - The key of the vertex
      type - The type of the vertex-document (POJO or RawData)
      the vertex identified by the key
      See Also:
    • getVertex

      <T> T getVertex(String key, Class<T> type, GraphDocumentReadOptions options)
      Retrieves the vertex document with the given key from the collection.
      key - The key of the vertex
      type - The type of the vertex-document (POJO or RawData)
      options - Additional options, can be null
      the vertex identified by the key
      See Also:
    • replaceVertex

      VertexUpdateEntity replaceVertex(String key, Object value)
      Replaces the vertex with key with the one in the body, provided there is such a vertex and no precondition is violated
      key - The key of the vertex
      value - A representation of a single vertex (POJO or RawData)
      information about the vertex
      See Also:
    • replaceVertex

      VertexUpdateEntity replaceVertex(String key, Object value, VertexReplaceOptions options)
      Replaces the vertex with key with the one in the body, provided there is such a vertex and no precondition is violated
      key - The key of the vertex
      value - A representation of a single vertex (POJO or RawData)
      options - Additional options, can be null
      information about the vertex
      See Also:
    • updateVertex

      VertexUpdateEntity updateVertex(String key, Object value)
      Partially updates the vertex identified by document-key. The value must contain a document with the attributes to patch (the patch document). All attributes from the patch document will be added to the existing document if they do not yet exist, and overwritten in the existing document if they do exist there.
      key - The key of the vertex
      value - A representation of a single vertex (POJO or RawData)
      information about the vertex
      See Also:
    • updateVertex

      VertexUpdateEntity updateVertex(String key, Object value, VertexUpdateOptions options)
      Partially updates the vertex identified by document-key. The value must contain a document with the attributes to patch (the patch document). All attributes from the patch document will be added to the existing document if they do not yet exist, and overwritten in the existing document if they do exist there.
      key - The key of the vertex
      value - A representation of a single vertex (POJO or RawData)
      options - Additional options, can be null
      information about the vertex
      See Also:
    • deleteVertex

      void deleteVertex(String key)
      Deletes the vertex with the given key from the collection.
      key - The key of the vertex
      See Also:
    • deleteVertex

      void deleteVertex(String key, VertexDeleteOptions options)
      Deletes the vertex with the given key from the collection.
      key - The key of the vertex
      options - Additional options, can be null
      See Also: