Uses of Class
Packages that use ArangoDB.Builder
Uses of ArangoDB.Builder in com.arangodb
Methods in com.arangodb that return ArangoDB.BuilderModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionArangoDB.Builder.acquireHostList
(Boolean acquireHostList) Whether the driver should acquire a list of available coordinators in an ArangoDB cluster or a single server with active failover.ArangoDB.Builder.acquireHostListInterval
(Integer acquireHostListInterval) Setting the Interval for acquireHostListArangoDB.Builder.asyncExecutor
(Executor executor) Deprecated.for removal.Sets the chunk size whenProtocol.VST
is used.ArangoDB.Builder.compression
(Compression compression) Sets thecontent-encoding
to use for HTTP requests and the related algorithm to encode and decode the transferred data.ArangoDB.Builder.compressionLevel
(Integer level) Sets the compression level.ArangoDB.Builder.compressionThreshold
(Integer threshold) Sets the minimum HTTP request body size (in bytes) to trigger compression.ArangoDB.Builder.connectionTtl
(Long connectionTtl) Set the time to live of an inactive connection.Adds a host to connect to.Sets the JWT for the user authentication.ArangoDB.Builder.keepAliveInterval
(Integer keepAliveInterval) Set the keep-alive interval for VST connections.ArangoDB.Builder.loadBalancingStrategy
(LoadBalancingStrategy loadBalancingStrategy) Sets the load balancing strategy to be used in an ArangoDB cluster setup.ArangoDB.Builder.loadProperties
(ArangoConfigProperties properties) ArangoDB.Builder.maxConnections
(Integer maxConnections) Sets the maximum number of connections the built in connection pool will open per host.Sets the password for the user for authentication.ArangoDB.Builder.protocolConfig
(ProtocolConfig protocolConfig) Configuration specific forProtocolProvider
(Integer responseQueueTimeSamples) Setting the amount of samples kept for queue time metricsArangoDB.Builder.serde
(ArangoSerde serde) Sets the serde for the user data.ArangoDB.Builder.serdeProviderClass
(Class<? extends ArangoSerdeProvider> serdeProviderClass) Sets the serde provider to be used to instantiate the user data serde.ArangoDB.Builder.sslContext
(SSLContext sslContext) Sets the SSL context to be used whentrue
is passed throughuseSsl(Boolean)
.Sets the connection and request timeout in milliseconds.Sets the username to use for authentication.If set totrue
SSL will be used when connecting to an ArangoDB server.ArangoDB.Builder.verifyHost
(Boolean verifyHost) Set whether hostname verification is enabled