Class CursorStats


public final class CursorStats extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • CursorStats

      public CursorStats()
  • Method Details

    • add

      public void add(String key, Object value)
    • get

      public Object get(String key)
    • getWritesExecuted

      public Long getWritesExecuted()
      The total number of data-modification operations successfully executed.
    • getWritesIgnored

      public Long getWritesIgnored()
      The total number of data-modification operations that were unsuccessful, but have been ignored because of the ignoreErrors query option.
    • getScannedFull

      public Long getScannedFull()
      The total number of documents iterated over when scanning a collection without an index. Documents scanned by subqueries are included in the result, but operations triggered by built-in or user-defined AQL functions are not.
    • getScannedIndex

      public Long getScannedIndex()
      The total number of documents iterated over when scanning a collection using an index. Documents scanned by subqueries are included in the result, but operations triggered by built-in or user-defined AQL functions are not.
    • getCursorsCreated

      public Long getCursorsCreated()
      The total number of cursor objects created during query execution. Cursor objects are created for index lookups.
    • getCursorsRearmed

      public Long getCursorsRearmed()
      The total number of times an existing cursor object was repurposed. Repurposing an existing cursor object is normally more efficient compared to destroying an existing cursor object and creating a new one from scratch.
    • getCacheHits

      public Long getCacheHits()
      The total number of index entries read from in-memory caches for indexes of type edge or persistent. This value is only non-zero when reading from indexes that have an in-memory cache enabled, and when the query allows using the in-memory cache (i.e. using equality lookups on all index attributes).
    • getCacheMisses

      public Long getCacheMisses()
      The total number of cache read attempts for index entries that could not be served from in-memory caches for indexes of type edge or persistent. This value is only non-zero when reading from indexes that have an in-memory cache enabled, the query allows using the in-memory cache (i.e. using equality lookups on all index attributes) and the looked up values are not present in the cache.
    • getFiltered

      public Long getFiltered()
      The total number of documents removed after executing a filter condition in a FilterNode or another node that post-filters data. Note that nodes of the IndexNode type can also filter documents by selecting only the required index range from a collection, and the filtered value only indicates how much filtering was done by a post filter in the IndexNode itself or following FilterNode nodes. Nodes of the EnumerateCollectionNode and TraversalNode types can also apply filter conditions and can report the number of filtered documents.
    • getHttpRequests

      public Long getHttpRequests()
      The total number of cluster-internal HTTP requests performed.
    • getFullCount

      public Long getFullCount()
      The total number of documents that matched the search condition if the query’s final top-level LIMIT operation were not present. This attribute may only be returned if the fullCount option was set when starting the query and only contains a sensible value if the query contains a LIMIT operation on the top level.
    • getExecutionTime

      public Double getExecutionTime()
      The query execution time (wall-clock time) in seconds.
    • getPeakMemoryUsage

      public Long getPeakMemoryUsage()
      The maximum memory usage of the query while it was running. In a cluster, the memory accounting is done per shard, and the memory usage reported is the peak memory usage value from the individual shards. Note that to keep things lightweight, the per-query memory usage is tracked on a relatively high level, not including any memory allocator overhead nor any memory used for temporary results calculations (e.g. memory allocated/deallocated inside AQL expressions and function calls).
    • getDocumentLookups

      public Integer getDocumentLookups()
      The number of real document lookups caused by late materialization as well as `IndexNode`s that had to load document attributes not covered by the index. This is how many documents had to be fetched from storage after an index scan that initially covered the attribute access for these documents.
    • getIntermediateCommits

      public Integer getIntermediateCommits()
      The total number of intermediate commits the query has performed. This number can only be greater than zero for data-modification queries that perform modifications beyond the `--rocksdb.intermediate-commit-count` or `--rocksdb.intermediate-commit-size` thresholds. In a cluster, the intermediate commits are tracked per DB-Server that participates in the query and are summed up in the end.
    • getSeeks

      public Integer getSeeks()
      The number of seek calls done by RocksDB iterators for merge joins (`JoinNode` in the execution plan).