Class ArangoSearchPropertiesEntity


public final class ArangoSearchPropertiesEntity extends ViewEntity
Mark Vollmary, Michele Rastelli
  • Constructor Details

    • ArangoSearchPropertiesEntity

      public ArangoSearchPropertiesEntity()
  • Method Details

    • getCommitIntervalMsec

      public Long getCommitIntervalMsec()
      Wait at least this many milliseconds between committing view data store changes and making documents visible to queries (default: 1000, to disable use: 0). For the case where there are a lot of inserts/updates, a lower value, until commit, will cause the index not to account for them and memory usage would continue to grow. For the case where there are a few inserts/updates, a higher value will impact performance and waste disk space for each commit call without any added benefits. Background: For data retrieval ArangoSearch views follow the concept of “eventually-consistent”, i.e. eventually all the data in ArangoDB will be matched by corresponding query expressions. The concept of ArangoSearch view “commit” operation is introduced to control the upper-bound on the time until document addition/removals are actually reflected by corresponding query expressions. Once a “commit” operation is complete all documents added/removed prior to the start of the “commit” operation will be reflected by queries invoked in subsequent ArangoDB transactions, in-progress ArangoDB transactions will still continue to return a repeatable-read state.
    • getConsolidationIntervalMsec

      public Long getConsolidationIntervalMsec()
      Wait at least this many milliseconds between committing index data changes and making them visible to queries (default: 60000, to disable use: 0). For the case where there are a lot of inserts/updates, a lower value, until commit, will cause the index not to account for them and memory usage would continue to grow. For the case where there are a few inserts/updates, a higher value will impact performance and waste disk space for each commit call without any added benefits.
    • getCleanupIntervalStep

      public Long getCleanupIntervalStep()
      Wait at least this many commits between removing unused files in data directory (default: 10, to disable use: 0). For the case where the consolidation policies merge segments often (i.e. a lot of commit+consolidate), a lower value will cause a lot of disk space to be wasted. For the case where the consolidation policies rarely merge segments (i.e. few inserts/deletes), a higher value will impact performance without any added benefits.
    • getConsolidationPolicy

      public ConsolidationPolicy getConsolidationPolicy()
    • getLinks

      public Collection<CollectionLink> getLinks()
      A list of linked collections
    • getPrimarySort

      public Collection<PrimarySort> getPrimarySort()
      A list of primary sort objects
    • getPrimarySortCompression

      public ArangoSearchCompression getPrimarySortCompression()
      Defines how to compress the primary sort data (introduced in v3.7.0). ArangoDB v3.5 and v3.6 always compress the index using LZ4.
      ArangoDB 3.7
    • getStoredValues

      public Collection<StoredValue> getStoredValues()
      An array of objects to describe which document attributes to store in the View index. It can then cover search queries, which means the data can be taken from the index directly and accessing the storage engine can be avoided.
      ArangoDB 3.7
    • getOptimizeTopK

      public Collection<String> getOptimizeTopK()
      An array of strings defining optimized sort expressions.
      ArangoDB 3.11, Enterprise Edition only
    • getPrimarySortCache

      public Boolean getPrimarySortCache()
    • getPrimaryKeyCache

      public Boolean getPrimaryKeyCache()