Class NGramAnalyzerProperties


public final class NGramAnalyzerProperties extends Object
An Analyzer capable of producing n-grams from a specified input in a range of min..max (inclusive). Can optionally preserve the original input.

This Analyzer type can be used to implement substring matching. Note that it slices the input based on bytes and not characters by default (streamType). The “binary” mode supports single-byte characters only; multi-byte UTF-8 characters raise an Invalid UTF-8 sequence query error.

Michele Rastelli
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • NGramAnalyzerProperties

      public NGramAnalyzerProperties()
  • Method Details

    • getMin

      public long getMin()
      minimum n-gram length
    • setMin

      public void setMin(long min)
    • getMax

      public long getMax()
      maximum n-gram length
    • setMax

      public void setMax(long max)
    • isPreserveOriginal

      public boolean isPreserveOriginal()
      true to include the original value as well false to produce the n-grams based on min and max only
    • setPreserveOriginal

      public void setPreserveOriginal(boolean preserveOriginal)
    • getStartMarker

      public String getStartMarker()
      this value will be prepended to n-grams which include the beginning of the input. Can be used for matching prefixes. Choose a character or sequence as marker which does not occur in the input
    • setStartMarker

      public void setStartMarker(String startMarker)
    • getEndMarker

      public String getEndMarker()
      this value will be appended to n-grams which include the end of the input. Can be used for matching suffixes. Choose a character or sequence as marker which does not occur in the input.
    • setEndMarker

      public void setEndMarker(String endMarker)
    • getStreamType

      public StreamType getStreamType()
    • setStreamType

      public void setStreamType(StreamType streamType)
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object