consolidationIntervalMsec - Wait at least this many milliseconds between committing index data changes
and making them visible to
queries (default: 60000, to disable use: 0). For the case where there are a
lot of inserts/updates, a
lower value, until commit, will cause the index not to account for them and
memory usage would
continue to grow. For the case where there are a few inserts/updates, a
higher value will impact
performance and waste disk space for each commit call without any added
cleanupIntervalStep - Wait at least this many commits between removing unused files in data directory
(default: 10, to
disable use: 0). For the case where the consolidation policies merge segments often
(i.e. a lot of
commit+consolidate), a lower value will cause a lot of disk space to be wasted. For
the case where the
consolidation policies rarely merge segments (i.e. few inserts/deletes), a higher
value will impact
performance without any added benefits.